Our Team

Brown Group of Companies’ Prof Dev Programs

By Quarren del Rosario

The Brown Group continues to uphold the mission of “incessantly providing means for its workers to develop their potentials to the fullest and living the company’s shared values of integrity, passion for excellence and family spirit in everything we do” by addressing the different professional development needs of employees in terms of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude, also known as competencies.

Throughout the year, Human Resources, in coordination with the different department heads, organizes and develops activities, programs, learning sessions, seminars, and trainings with competent and high-caliber speakers in their specialized fields to help employees improve their performance, address their weaknesses, and provide satisfaction in their work.

The programs developed and implemented for 2016 were as follows: Professional Development: Knowledge & SkillsEmployee Care & RecognitionSafety Health & WellnessWorkplace Spirituality, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

abrown professional knowledge and skills development
abrown employee care and recognition
abrown safety and wellness
abrown workplace spiritually

The continuous professional development programs of the company aim to keep employees on the cutting edge of industry developments. The company believes that employees who are competent and on top of ever-evolving industry standards, will help the company maintain its position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry.