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ABCI Lent 2022: The Way of the Cross

A Brown Company joins in the Lenten observance of the Universal Catholic Church with the Way of the Cross. Led by 14 employees from ABCI and ABERDI, more than 30 employees and agency partners joined in the 14-station devotion at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, Xavier Estates, on April 13, 2022, Holy Wednesday.

The Way of the Cross is a Catholic devotion commemorating the last day of Jesus Christ on Earth as a man. The devotion consists of 14 stations where each honors specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. 

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DugongABrown Celebrates Year 12 with 45 Donors

As part of its continuing CSR to a life-saving mission of blood-donation, A Brown Company Inc (ABCI), subsidiaries,  affiliates and A Brown Employees Credit Coop (ABECco) in partnership with Philippine Red Cross – CDO Chapter successfully celebrated year 12 of #DugongABrown with 45 donors donating a total of 40 pints or equivalent to 20,000 cc of blood Friday, March 25, 2022 at the XSCC Employees Lounge.