A Brown Company, Inc. (ABCI) is poised to offer new premiere projects in the region. File photo shows ABCI President Robert Pizarro in the Capsule Laying Ceremony of its premiere residential property TEAKWOOD HILLS Phase 3 BELLE DEL MAR together with its growing sales force partners.

TEAKWOOD HILLS CAPSULE LAYING CEREMONIES (From L to R) VIRGIL MONDALA of Land Asia Realty, FABIAN BALATERO of La Breeza Realty, ROLANDO RAŃOA of Ro-Land Harvest Rańoa Realty, IRENE RAMOS, MAUREEN GUMAHIN of CLM Realty, ABEGAIL SAAB of Power Properties, MARISSA ABEJO of Abejo Realty, JENNIFER ACEBES of Leuterio Realty, RIZALINDA CHEE-DE JONG of Chee Realty, ABCI President ROBERT PIZARRO, ABCI COO JOHN BATAC, LOLITA ALON of JCA Realty, JOCELYN MADRID of CDO Brokers and Associates, VIVIAN SALIGOMBA of Bachelor’s Realty, DESIRE BOOC of Golden Nest Realty, EMELIE JACOB of ES Realty, JOSEPHINE OCO of Seankirsten Realty, LEONIDA SANTOS of U1st Realty, HARVEY TAWAKAL of JAC Homes, and KENNARD MADRONA of DK Realty.

Nestled on a hilltop with an elevation of 220 meters above sea level, TEAKWOOD HILLS Phase 3 BELLE DEL MAR features commanding views of the sea horizon, cityscape and the grand canyon mountains.

Located in Barangay Agusan, Cagayan de Oro, TEAKWOOD HILLS is a short 2.3-kilometer distance from the highway. It is a guarded gated community with a clubhouse, infinity pool, parks and playground and basketball court. The property is adorned by landscaped roadways and has 10-meter wide inner roads.